Results for 'Alyaa Maan Abdelhameed'

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  1.  12
    Internarrative Identity: Placing the Self.Ajit K. Maan - 2009 - Upa.
    This book asks how identity is created and examines the history of conceptions of the self, from Aristotle to Postmodernism, to find the answers. Maan finds the human capacity to self creation exists in what have previously been problematic areas of experience—conflict, marginalization, disruption, exclusion, subversion, deviation and contradiction.
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  2.  12
    Counter-Terrorism: Narrative Strategies.Ajit Maan - 2014 - Upa.
    Counter-Terrorism makes a connection, unique to terrorism studies, between the mechanisms of colonizing narratives and psychological warfare aimed at recruitment. There is an urgent need to understand the narrative tactics of terrorist recruitment and an equal if not greater need to destabilize and exploit the weaknesses of those narratives.
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    Sneaky Stories: Challenges to Moral Contraband.Ajit Maan - 2013 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (American Philosophical Practitioners Association) 8 (2).
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    Emotion and appraisal: A study using ecological momentary assessment.Eddie Mw Tong, George D. Bishop, Hwee Chong Enkelmann, Yong Peng Why, Siew Maan Diong, Majeed Khader & Jansen Ang - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (7):1361-1381.
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    Representations of internarrative identity.Lori Way (ed.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Based upon Ajit Maan's groundbreaking theory of Internarrative Identity, this collection focuses upon redefining self, slave narrative, the black Caribbean diaspora, and cyberspace to explore the interconnection between identity and life experience as expressed through personal narrative.
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    Dichtbij en ver weg: opstellen over kunst, filosofie en literatuur.Maarten Doorman - 2018 - Amsterdam: Prometheus.
    Na meer dan tien jaar komt Maarten Doorman met een nieuwe bundeling van essays. Ze lijken te gaan over van alles en nog wat: van een bedrieglijk stuk steen van de maan tot een dramatische scène in bad, van een romantische boswandeling tot Nipplegate, van Goethe tot David Bowie, van de woede van Schopenhauer tot de karper van Apollinaire en van tekenfilm tot Rijksmuseum. Maar steeds gaat het om het overbruggen van een afstand. Die tussen kunst en maatschappij, filosofie (...)
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